October 21, 2008

R.A.W.~"Random Acts of Weirdness"

This is a random compilation of our California Internship adventures thus far: ENJOY!
Driving up to Rexburg in the middle of the night to make it to
Lorie Ann's Wedding Reception! :-D

...and then meeting our new baby niece, Miriam!!!!!

We've also come up against ANIMAL RESCUE...from Monty, the Common Murre Seabird

. . . . . to Repeat, the broken legged beach squirrel.

Finally we got the hint and decided to get permanent PETS of our own

...and PLANTS (we also have a Venus Fly Trap)

We've sort of driven down HIGHWAY ONE...

Carved AMAZING Pumpkins

We've had our Good times...

and we even made it to the beach once without having to leave b/c of hurt animals!!!

But most importantly, we've been in LOVE!


Keep Smiling with the Wallace's said...

The "Grandgeckos" are getting much bigger....They are so cute!

The Pumpkin is AMAZING!!!
You two are very talented!

Love the Hwy/ocean pictures..
It is wonderful to see you two happy!

We love you so very much!
Mom and Daddy

Karie said...

Yeah - I love the pictures! See you at Christmas!!!

Shana said...

Hey little lovebird!
I loved the summary of your trip so far. Sounds like you two are having a blast. Enjoy your fun time alone together. Cherish every minute.
Because once kids start to come, there is much less of that time alone. :)
I love ya!

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