December 9, 2008

The Latest...and a name.

We decided! (with inspiration from friends etc.)
Her official name is LINDY. Allison suggested Fandango and thats where we got the dance name idea again, and then Lindy hop is partially the reason we're together, not to mention it fits her personality. :-D Here's some recent pictures!

Love you all!


Keep Smiling with the Wallace's said...

Amazing pictures! I love the eyes and them eating...Lindy is a darling name...
Love you!

w said...

Lindy is a great name! It does fit her.

So, do you realize that when you have children, you probably won't be able to wait three weeks to pick a name? Just a thought... unless you want an "unknown" birth certificate. I could be wrong though. I just thought about that.

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