August 23, 2009

Food for thought...xanga days...

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Pigs are in the desert
Quote of the Day~
life's throwing lemons at
put on a
and pray that watermelons aren't next

Mona Lisa

Leonarda he teasa
The young Mona Lisa
"Why you smila like so?
"This is odd way of smiling
"And is very beguiling,
"You gotta dark secret, I know."

Mona she place a
Hand to her face a,
And she make a shy reply:
"Papa, I thmila like thith
"Becauth I gotta no tith."
Then she break a down and cry.

Now Papa de Vinci
Say: "Shush shush my Chichi,
"I tell you for what I do,
"I painta your picture,
"A beauuuutiful picture,
"And we hang it in the Louvre."

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